*** PLEASE NOTE: Programs are listed in order of age, youngest to oldest ***
Summer JO Tryouts
Tryouts for the 2024-2025 IGNITE season, will be this summer. This is completely different from normal Fall tryouts. Tryouts for IGNITE teams will be on the following days/times: *Pending OVR Approval*
14's: July 13th, 12-3pm
15's: July 14th, 12-2:30pm
16's: July 14th, 3:30-6pm
17/18's: July 13th, 4-6pm
Registration will open soon!! More info can be found on our "TRYOUT REGISTRATION PAGE" Tryouts will be held at the Reminderville Athletic Club.
Tryouts for the 11's thru 13's will be held in the Fall.
12's: October 19th, 5-8pm
13's: October 25th, 4-7pm
Summer Open Gyms!!!
Open gyms are open to all ages, all skill levels, and all clubs. Pre-registration is required. 100 players maximum in the gym. Cost is $5 cash at the door! All open gyms are the at Reminderville Athletic Club. Registration will close at 4pm the day of open gym. Walk ups are welcome. ***THERE HAS BEEN AN UPDATE TO THE 7/11 OPEN GYM***
Thursday June 20th, 7-9pm 12's thru 14's
Thursday June 27th, 7-9pm 15's thru 18's
Thursday July 11th, 5-645pm 13's & 14's
Thursday July 11th, 7-9pm 15's thru 17's
Registration for the 7/11 open gym will close at Noon. Any other registrations must be walk-ups.
For Open Gyms, please enter by the entrace closest to El Chile Bravo! Thanks!!!
Private Lessons
Looking for that one on one time to work on a specific thing or grow quickly in the game?
Private lessons are the perfect way to grow in a position or specific area at a rapid pace.
In one hour your player will receive a huge number of touches on the ball with one on one instruction matching their level and goals.
You will be paired with an IGNITE coach that matches what you seek in skill level and position building.
You may request a specific coach if you have one in mind, although we can not promise their availability.
You may request additional lesson times. Please specify times in your email. We will do our best to accommodate your needs but cannot guarantee all requests.
Private lessons do fill very quickly as most players schedule them weekly. Lessons may have up to 3 players per hour. Any additional players is $20/hr per additional player.
Cost per hour, per athlete and includes cost of court rental.
$65.00 (Payments are made directly to private coach weekly after each session)
Due to high demand, we will be requiring a one time deposit of $25.
Length of each session
One hour
Dates Open
June 3rd-July 31st (Registration will open May 1st!)
Skills Evaluation Camp
Designed for players trying out for Middle school, or High school teams in the fall of 2024
Coached by IGNITE coaches and Elite players.
Players will receive a written evaluation of their current skills. This will give players an idea of what to work on throughout the entire summer.
Just $60.00 per player! Limited to the first 48 paid registrants.
5th-9th grade for the 2024-2025 school year
Thursday June 13th 7-9pm
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Payment is expected upon registration, or 1 week after registration.
Super Starters Spring Camp
IGNITE is hosting a very special camp for 4th - 8th graders this Spring!
Designed to help kick start girls looking to tryout in the fall for a school team or are wanting to learn more about the game of volleyball.
Coached by IGNITE coaches and Elite players.
Camp is low cost and high energy!
Have a player looking to get ready for tryouts or grow in the game? This is a great place to start!
Just $50.00 per player! (Maximum 48 Registrants)
Sunday, June 9th
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
This camp is separated by age group and level per your registration so that we can meet the needs of every player!
Camp include skills lessons, game play, positional breakdowns, explanation of offense and defensive rotations, as well as insight on what coaches look for when picking teams.
You wont want to miss it!
Payment is expected upon registration, or no later than 1 week after registration
Mid Summer Camp
This Mid Summer Camp is a great way to get ready for the upcoming Junior High or CYO tryouts!
A combination of skills set training and game play for players with beginning to intermediate experience in grades 5 - 8th (this current school year).
Please note that this camp fills quickly and spaces are limited.
Sunday June 23rd 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Just $50.00 per player! (Maximum 48 Registrants)
Payment is expected upon registration, or no later than 1 week after registration
Junior High Summer Training (JHT)
Looking to start to grow in the game of volleyball before the upcoming Junior High Tryouts in August?
Ignite Junior High Training Sessions are the perfect match for rising 7th and 8th graders looking to refine their overall skills.
Participants will be placed in groups primarily based on their self-identified skill level while also keeping in mind any requests to be with friends. While we try to keep friends that register together within the same group, we prioritize making groups of a like-skill level to facilitate the learning process.
Groups will stay together for entire 6 week program.
Every week groups will split the 1.5 hour time between a small, skill-based practice with their coach and realistic game play against other groups.
Ignite Junior High Training Sessions fills quickly every year...so REGISTER EARLY!!!
6 sessions, 1.5 hour each session
Mondays: June 10th - July 15th
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (Max of 54 Total players per session, Cap at 9 players per group)
Payment is expected upon registration, or no later than 1 week after registration
Junior High Tryout Prep Camp
This Camp is different than our other camps we offer at IGNITE!
This event is open to all girls planning on trying out for their Junior High Team or CYO teams this fall.
This camp will be run by the IGNITE summer staff and will help give girls an assessment of where they stand heading into the fall.
This event will be run like a typical junior high tryout.
Players will be given scores at the end of the camp to see how they did and evaluate what to expect at their school tryouts.
July 28th 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Just $60! (Maximum 48 Registrants)
Payment is expected upon registration, or no later than 1 week after registration
High School Positional Training
Need Personal attention on a specific skill or position but your budget can not afford weekly lessons?
Sign up for High School Positional Training!
You can sign up for just one session or weekly sessions in one easy step!
5 player MAX, per skill set, per hour.
Registration will close at 4:00pm on Tuesdays and open up after the session is over.
You will be in a small group (5 or less) of high school level players looking to work on the exact same skills.
You will work with 1-2 IGNITE coaches matching what you are looking for in skill level and position.
Hour sessions are set up like semi private lessons with advanced technique and court strategies taught.
Sessions are not for beginning players. 2 - 3 years of volleyball experience suggested.
1 hour each session
Tuesdays June 4th - July 23rd
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Junior Varsity Level)
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Varsity Level)
To ensure the quality of play, Coaches reserve the right to move players between levels as needed
$30.00 per session/per week
Positions Offered: Middles, Pin Hitters, DS's/Liberos, and Setters
Sessions fill FAST - Pre-Registration is a MUST!
Payment is expected upon registration, or no later than 1 week after registration