Open to all ages and skill levels.
You can only register for the upcoming week of open gym.
At IGNITE, our open gyms are non-structured play and open to all volleyball levels and skills. Players enter the gym and choose the court they wish to compete on themselves. Courts will be divided between different age groups.
Players may move freely about the practice gym and go to any court at any time.
IGNITE coaches are there to support, answer any parent or player questions, and to supervise the gym. Our coaches do not run or structure the open gyms, they are student/player led only.
Typically at open gyms the players start at 4v4, move to 6v6 and at times run hitting lines, serving or a favorite drill.
According to OHSAA, players ARE allowed to go to open gyms once your school team has finished playing. Those who are playing junior-high, freshman or junior varsity (JV) and are not partaking in or on roster for Varsity playoffs are eligible to participate in open gyms once they finish their last match.
Open Gyms will be at the Reminderville Athletic Club.
3100 Glenwood Blvd, Reminderville, OH 44202
Tuesday October 24 5-630pm (11's, 12's, 13's & 14's)
Tuesday October 24 630pm - 8pm (15's, 16's, 17's & 18's)
Open gym maximum: 60 Players
Pre-Registration required.
Pay in cash at the door. ($5)